Weekly Connect From: Dermot Cowhey dermot.cowhey@limerickdiocese.org
27th September, 2021:
Dear Chaplains/RE Teachers,
As we near the end of September, we give thanks for a successful beginning to our school year.
The Pope's Monthly Intentions for September, 2021:
Let us pray that we all will make courageous choices, the choices necessary for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, taking inspiration from our young people who are resolutely committed to this,” https://www.popesprayer.va/popes-prayer-intentions
Thought for the Day: We publish a ‘thought for the day’ every morning at 7am on the Diocesan Facebook page.
‘Happiness is enjoying the little things in life.’
Liturgical Calendar
27th September - Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul / Féile Naomh Uinseann de Pól
29th September – Ss Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
1st October - Feast Day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux / Féile Naomh Treasa as Lisieux, (St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, more popularly known as "the Little Flower.")
2nd October – The Guardian Angels
3rd October – 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
4th October – St. Francis of Assisi
5th October – World Teachers’ Day
7th October- The Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary / Cuimhneachán ar Mhuire na Corónach
9th October – Saint John Henry Newman
10th October – World Mental Health Day
11th October – Saint John XXIII (Pope)
15th October - Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila / Féile Naomh Treasa as Avila
For more information on special days please see Attachment 4.
Facebook Group Post Primary RE Teachers – Ireland: Check out this outstanding resource with constant updating of material from over 15, 000 practicing teachers. You will have to register to access the material.
Pastoral Outreach Programmes 2021: See Attachment 1
Pandemic Unity and Fragility: There is a short MP4 file attached which reflects on how the world has grown more aware of its unity and fragility over the course of the pandemic (thanks to Tomás Kenny, Kerry Diocese.) See Attachment 2.
‘Spiritual but not Religious’: Mossy Hynan, one of the lay pastoral ministry programme participants, has designed a programme targeted at those who consider themselves ‘spiritual but not religious’. He will be delivering it in the Diocesan Centre as part of his placement. Please see attached flyer – Attachment 3.
Attachments –
- Limerick Diocese Pastoral Outreach Programmes 2021
- Short MP4 file
- ‘Spiritual but not Religious’ flyer
- Attachment containing the usual links and resources. If you can add to this list, please forward all information to me.
- Attachment containing links and resources in relation to the Liturgical calendar.
If you are accessing this from the diocese website and would like to have these resources, please email dermot.cowhey@limerickdiocese.org
To conclude …
As we approach the feast of St. Francis of Assisi we reflect that whenever we fail to care for our brothers and sisters in creation, the way is opened to destruction, and hearts are hardened .... Lord, grant that all who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill - grant that we all be “protectors” of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.
Caring for Creation
Most High, good Lord,
You revealed to St. Francis
that You are Father of all creation and
that all creatures are related as brothers and sisters.
Praised be You, my Lord,
with all Your creatures,
especially Sir Brother Sun who is the day,
and through whom You give us light.
Praised be You, my Lord,
through Sister Moon and the stars,
Brother Wind,
Sister Water
and Brother Fire.
And praised be You, my Lord,
through our Sister Mother Earth,
who sustains and governs us,
and produces varied fruit
with coloured flowers and herbs.
Grant us, Lord,
the grace to see Your beauty and likeness
in created things
that we may follow St. Francis
in showing care for creation.
- adapted by Br. Cathal Duddy ofm
from "The Canticle of the Creatures" by St. Francis of Assisi