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Bishop Leahy sends best wishes for Mayor from Lourdes

Bishop Leahy sends best wishes for Mayor from Lourdes

Friday 21 June 2024: Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy has sent his congratulations and best wishes from Lourdes to Limerick’s first directly elected Mayor, John Moran, on his inauguration today.

Bishop Leahy is leading the annual Limerick Diocese pilgrimage of some 300 people to Lourdes this week but took time out to wish the new Mayor well in his role.

“While I am unable to join the Inauguration Ceremony that will mark the beginning of the new Mayor’s mandate, I wish the Mayor well in his new and hugely important role for the city and county of Limerick,” Bishop Leahy said.

“Lourdes holds a very special place in the hearts of many people in Limerick so it’s appropriate that we send the best wishes for Mayor John Moran and remember him in our prayers here today.

“Lourdes gives us a glimpse of what the world could be like if we love one another, giving each other a hand, caring, in particular, for the vulnerable, and keeping our eyes on true values. I believe that these are guiding principles for us all and not least for leaders in the world of politics.

“So, I hope and pray that the Mayor, John Moran, will always be inspired to work for the good of the whole community of Limerick city and county, contributing to making the greatness of Limerick city and county shine out as a territory of love and care, solidarity and sustainability, justice and true values.

“As a first elected Mayor he carries an extra responsibility to show how the role of Mayor is about being close to people, having a listening ear and striving for compassionate and creative efficiency,” he said.

In wishing the Mayor well, Bishop Leahy recalled a set of beatitudes proposed by the late Vietnamese Cardinal François-Xavier Nguy?n Vãn Thu?n that he would like to offer the new Mayor:

Blessed be the public representative with a lofty sense and deep understanding of his role.

Blessed be the public representative who personally exemplifies credibility.

Blessed be the public representative who works for the common good and not his or her own interest.

Blessed be the public representative who remains consistent.

Blessed be the public representative who works for unity.

Blessed be the public representative who works to accomplish radical change.

Blessed be the public representative who is capable of listening.

Blessed be the public representative who is without fear.

Bishop Leahy also added his congratulations to all that were elected and wished them well and encouragement for those who did not make it past the post.  “Equally, I want to wish all who were elected to the council well and that they, too, will be equally inspired to help Limerick achieve all its promise in the years ahead. I want to congratulate all on putting their names forward for election and ask that those who did not make it continue to be inspired by their sense of civic commitment and compassion to do good for their fellow citizens.”
