- 22
- May
Liturgy Notes for Laudato Si’ Week
Sr Betty Baker has very kindly put together liturgy notes for Laudato Si’ Week; they include guidance on creating a simple sacred space, suggested readings, prayers, and reflection. Thanks to Betty for these.
Nature Walk in Farm and Woodland
Saturday 20th May, 11am to 1pm. One of our Lay Pastoral Ministers is hosting a visit to his farm to share his ‘farming for nature’ approach. See attached poster for details. There are limited places available for this event, if you are interested in participating, please email me directly.
Screening of ‘THE LETTER’ movie
Tuesday 23rd of May, 7pm, in the Don Bosco Centre, Castletroy. The Salesians of Don Bosco are inviting you to a screening of this challenging and visually stunning film. It follows the story of five people, representing groups marginalised in environmental deliberations, on their way to meet the Pope to discuss the growing threats of climate change. Behind the lens was Nicolas Brown who transformed the Pope’s Laudato Si’ document into a visual journey portraying the lives of those impacted by environmental destruction. See attached poster.
Contemplative Prayer & Reflection
Tuesday 30th May, 7-8pm, on Zoom. Join us for an hour of contemplative prayer and reflection on the theme of ‘Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity. You can register to receive the Zoom link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LSiWeek_ContemplativePrayer. See attached poster.
Follow-up Conversation on ‘THE LETTER’ movie
Thursday 1st June, 7:30pm to 9pm, we will an opportunity for a follow-up conversation for people who have seen ‘THE LETTER’ movie and would like to share and explore their impressions, reactions, and possible responses. The movie will be screened on the 23rd of May in the Don Bosco Centre as outlined above, it has previously been screened in MIC and Cratloe parish; others may also have seen the movie elsewhere. All are welcome, if you could register at the link below it will help us with our planning. The venue will be the Diocesan Centre adjacent to St Munchin’s College.
Here is the registration link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Converation_TheLetter
Please feel free to display the posters and share this information with anyone in your parish or community that you think might be interested. All our posters are designed to be easily shared on social media; we are grateful for your support in spreading the word.