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Advent Calendar 2019

Day 12: Thursday 12 December 2019

Why does the Christmas crèche arouse such wonder and move us so deeply? First, because it shows God’s tender love: the Creator of the universe lowered himself to take up our littleness. The gift of life, in all its mystery, becomes all the more wondrous as we realize that the Son of Mary is the source and sustenance of all life. In Jesus, the Father has given us a brother who comes to seek us out whenever we are confused or lost, a loyal friend ever at our side. He gave us his Son who forgives us and frees us from our sins. – Pope Francis 

Readings for Thursday of the Second Week of Advent

Is 41:13-20. Ps 144:1, 9-13, R/ v 8. Mt 11:11-15.

You can follow our daily Mass readings through Advent on our website www.catholicbishops.ie/readings

From today the Gospel passages are about Saint John the Baptist. All the prophets before John were leading to him. His vocation is to show that Jesus is the promised one, the redeemer of humankind. 

Audio: Advent Thought for the Day

Each day during Advent we are bringing you an audio Thought for the Day on a different theme. Today’s Thought for the Day is from Mary Johnston of Accord, Catholic Marriage Care. In this piece, Mary reflects on 1 Corinthians and how it can be applied to this time of year, when stresses can be to the fore in a relationship. Click below to listen to the audio. 

Visual Thought for the Day 

Today’s thought for the day visual for sharing on social media is from Pope Francis.  

The Words of Pope Francis 

“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world.  The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young Christian are these: Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!”.

Thus begins the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Christus vivit (Christ is alive) by Pope Francis published in April.  This year’s Advent Calendar is featuring Pope Francis’ words from Christus vivit which he has addressed to young people , and to the entire People of God and published on 2 April 2019. In the document, the Pope explains that he allowed himself to be “inspired by the wealth of reflections and conversations of the Synod” on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment which took place in the Vatican in October 2018.

Today’s excerpt is on young people as courageous missionaries: 

Filled with the love of Christ, young people are called to be witnesses of the Gospel wherever they find themselves, by the way they live. Saint Alberto Hurtado once said that “being an apostle does not mean wearing a lapel pin; it is not about speaking about the truth but living it, embodying it, being transformed in Christ. Being an apostle does not mean carrying a torch in hand, possessing the light, but being that light… The Gospel, more than a lesson, is an example. A message that becomes a life fully lived”.

The importance of witness does not mean that we should be silent about the word. Why should we not speak of Jesus, why should we not tell others that he gives us strength in life, that we enjoy talking with him, that we benefit from meditating on his words? Young people, do not let the world draw you only into things that are wrong and superficial. Learn to swim against the tide, learn how to share Jesus and the faith he has given you. May you be moved by that same irresistible impulse that led Saint Paul to say: “Woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel” (1 Cor 9:16)!

“Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders, no limits: he sends us everywhere. The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some. It is not only for those who seem closer to us, more receptive, more welcoming. It is for everyone. Do not be afraid to go and bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away and most indifferent. The Lord seeks all; he wants everyone to feel the warmth of his mercy and his love”.  He invites us to be fearless missionaries wherever we are and in whatever company we find ourselves: in our neighbourhoods, in school or sports or social life, in volunteer service or in the workplace. Wherever we are, we always have an opportunity to share the joy of the Gospel. That is how the Lord goes out to meet everyone. He loves you, dear young people, for you are the means by which he can spread his light and hope. He is counting on your courage, your boldness and your enthusiasm.

Don’t think that this mission is soft and easy. Some young people have given their lives for the sake of missionary outreach. As the Korean bishops put it: “we hope that we can be grains of wheat and instruments for the salvation of humanity, following upon the example of the martyrs. Though our faith is as small as a mustard seed, God will give it growth and use it as an instrument for his work of salvation”. Young friends, don’t wait until tomorrow to contribute your energy, your audacity and your creativity to changing our world. Your youth is not an “in-between time”. You are the now of God, and he wants you to bear fruit. For “it is in giving that we receive”. The best way to prepare a bright future is to experience the present as best we can, with commitment and generosity.

(CV 175 – 178) 

#LivingAdvent 2019

During Advent are sharing family prayers and suggestions for acts of kindness or charity that all of us are encouraged to undertake during the month of December. The Advent Calendar is also also offering tips on how families can care for our common home by having a more sustainable Christmas. 

Advent Random Act of Kindness 

Sign up to volunteer for something happening in your locality. There are lots of different organisations looking for volunteers and your local parish is always on the look out for people to get involved.     

Let’s Be Family – Act of Charity 

Check out local charities looking for donations in the run up to Christmas. Maybe keep one thing off your own Christmas list so as you can donate to someone in need.

Living Advent by Caring for Our Common Home 

Here’s an interesting statistic to bear in mind: If one million women bought their next item of clothing secondhand instead of new, we would save six million kg of carbon pollution from entering the atmosphere. Think second hand at least some of the time! 

Living Advent by welcoming Migrants and Refugees

At home, at school, at work, wherever we go today, let us be committed to welcoming the vulnerabilities of our brothers and sisters with whom we come into contact. 

Advent Prayers

Our Prayer Intentions for the Day to Pray Together

We pray for peace;
that enemies may lay down their weapons
and strive to build peace together.

A Child’s Prayer for Morning

My God, I offer to you this day all I think and do
and say, in union with all you have done for me
by Jesus Christ your Son. Amen

Dear Lord, I rise from bed to pray: then soon go
out to school or play. Let all I meet along the way
see you in me throughout the day. Amen

Source: Prayerbook, A Catholic Religious Site

Advent Prayer:  In times of need and difficulty

Lend Me Your Hand

Jesus, remember me
at this time.
I have questions and concerns,
I am worried.
As you journey with me, Jesus,
in your promise
of everlasting friendship,
help me to place myself
in your care
as you lend me your hand
through the care of my carers.
Help us, Jesus, to allow God’s Light
to shine through our hopes and concerns.

Rev Peter Murphy, World Day of the Sick Prayerbook, 2013.

Advent Music

This is an Advent hymn called Watching, Waiting, Longing written by Rick lee James and Ted Rastatter.  It is performed here by Shawn Barrett while artist Laura Tappen creates sand art. The song was performed live at Lakeholm Church of the Nazarene on Sunday December 23rd, 2012.