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Safeguarding Sunday - September 2018

Letter from Bishop Leahy for all Masses – Safeguarding Sunday 29th/30th September 2018


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ


As part of the Diocesan work in safeguarding, I write a letter to parishes on one Sunday per year on the theme of safeguarding.  This is an opportunity to reflect on safeguarding which is a critical part of the Church’s mission.


Safeguarding is about ensuring that children are involved fully in the life of the Church and that their parents and families can be assured that during such involvement they are safe and that their welfare is always of paramount concern.


I am all too conscious of the impact on all of us of the accounts from around the world from people who deserved care and protection from the Church but experienced abuse and lifelong damage.  I am also conscious of how this enormous damage was compounded by the response which people experienced, far too often as they began to tell the story of their experiences.


In meeting with persons who have experienced abuse by Church personnel, and also with their families, I am all too conscious of the enormous burden that they carry. I know that I struggle to respond adequately in all such encounters.


I said recently that the occasion of Pope Francis’ visit to Ireland was an occasion not only to pray for those who have been wounded by the Church, but an opportunity to re-commit ourselves to keep listening and to learn from their experience.


We must acknowledge our failures and learn from our mistakes.  This is not an exclusive Church issue and I want to express my appreciation of the work of many voluntary and advocacy groups as they support people who have experienced abuse throughout society.   I am also very conscious of the hard work undertaken on all our behalf by the staff organisations such as Tusla, The Child and Family Agency.  They deserve and need our support.


Throughout the Diocese of Limerick there are many people committed to working collaboratively to ensure that our safeguarding arrangements are safe and of the best possible standard.  I wish to express my deep appreciation to all those at Parish and Diocesan level who give so generously of their time to what is a very challenging mission.  I would encourage all those involved in safeguarding throughout the Diocese not to be overwhelmed or discouraged, which at times is an understandable reaction.  Your energy and commitment was never more valuable.


I would encourage people concerned with this area to review the Diocese new dedicated Safeguarding Website at http://www.limerickdiocesesafeguarding.com   and we would welcome feedback on how we can continue to improve our services.


I know also that some people continue to find it very difficult to speak of their experiences.  To them I say, I have some appreciation of how very difficult it can be and please know that help is available. The contact details for the Diocesan Safeguarding Service is on a poster at the back of every Church.



With kind regards,



+Brendan Leahy,

Bishop of Limerick.