Don't let yourself be robbed of Hope - Limerick Diocese

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Don't let yourself be robbed of Hope

Don’t let yourself be robbed of Hope

Pope Francis has a wonderful phrase: “do not let yourself be robbed of hope!”. It’s good to be reminded of that great virtue. Perhaps more than in the past, we need to keep hope alive. It’s more than a superficial cheerful optimism. It is a trustful attitude to life.

Hope needs deep roots. We know only too well the limits, setbacks and sins that challenge us, as well as the tragedies and difficulties in the world around us. As Christians, however, we believe in a “higher and deeper power”. We believe we can abandon ourselves to God, just like a child with his or her mother, believing in love in all circumstances and at all times.

Christmas is the season that explains this hope. The intimacy of the crib with “the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay” as a favourite Christmas carol puts it, tells us that God has not remained aloof in the clouds. He has entered our world. There is now a human heartbeat in God. Because of Christmas, we know God is thinking of me/us. God is my/our best fan, as Pope Francis put at the World Youth Day in Poland, which a large group of us from the Diocese of Limerick attended.

In wishing each other well for Christmas and the New Year, let’s pray that hope will be rekindled in each of our hearts, especially in those who, for whatever reason, feel sad at this time. Let’s make sure that none of us is robbed of hope!